
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Speed Work

Did my speed work out yesterday and I'm a little sore, but overall feel really good. He has us do 2 miles at 10 sec per mile slower than 5k pace, then a rest, 1 mile at 5k pace, then rest, 1/2 mile at 2 mile race pace, which was supposed to be 5 sec faster than half of the mile we ran), rest, 1/4 mile at 5 sec faster than the pace of the 1/2 mile we ran, rest, 220 all out, rest, and finished with another 220 all out.

I'm still not fast, but I am still able to do the workout running - jogging to the gazelles out there! I signed up for Sarasota Half in March. Couldn't resist. Check out the bling!

Did I share my new bling holder? Love it! Well, gotta go, field trip to go on! Enjoy the day!

Donate to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society by visiting my Team In Training website at:

You can be my super hero for the day!

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