
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

As predicted -

Well, as I suspected, insurance company has totaled Jake's car. Dag nab it! Oh well, time to start searching for a new-used one. At least because of it's low mileage, the insurance will be paying us a pretty good value on it and hopefully we'll be able to find something comparable. Gonna miss that old car. I'll say this - Honda vehicles hold their value - just sayin'.

So, any suggestions? My son says he wants a truck so if he gets hit again he has a chance of not totaling the car. 2 in a year's time is 2 too many for me. And the suck part about it is that neither time it was his fault. No way to avoid it. Ugggggh!! Arrggghh!

Kids appointments went fine. Katie yelled as always about getting a shot, but the second the nurse was done, she stopped. That girlie is too funny.

I need my yoga class tonight!

Well, time to get some work done before I have to get the kids. Have a great day everyone!! The saga continues . . . .

P.S. Don't forget - I'm running the Nike Women's Half Marathon to find a cure for blood cancer. Donate today at:

Be my super hero - Lord knows I need one!

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