
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

TNT Has the Most Amazing Coaches

We have the most amazing and wonderful coaches at Team In Training. In fact, I'd like to share a note I received from the coaches regarding the upcoming Disney Marathon Training. If you'd like more info on how you can join Team In Training, contact me. Even if you aren't in my area, Team In Training is nationwide and their coaches are terrific!!

Hello Brevards's BEST!

Here is another big welcome YOU, to the team that is going to beat cancer.

Michele and Birdwell here your COACHES!!!

YOU.Please REPLY TO THIS EMAIL.. :)  This is the only time we will ask for universal reply.  We want to make sure we are reaching you with the proper email. A simple click on reply and send is fine, or feel free to ask any questions. If we do not hear from you we will assume we got filtered by your spam blocker or we have the wrong email address. If that is the case we will call you to get it corrected. 

As your coaches we will be sending you emails weekly, and even more often early on. No worries we will not spam you with useless info. Quite the opposite, only important news, reviews, tips and training advice in every message. Early in the season you will be hearing from us a lot. We feel more information early is much better than too little.

Important News
We have two important dates. Our season preview party is at Casbah Wines in Downtown Melbourne this Thursday August 9 at 6:30 p.m.  We will have munchies! Come on out meet and greet members of the team and BRING A FRIEND!  We will go over details about the program and get you all prepared for the season Kick off which is Saturday August 18 at Wickham Park at 8:00 a.m. At the kick off, we will have a quick coaches welcome to the team, followed by a stretching and on the road workout. Then we will head to the Running Zone On Wickham Road for a celebration, with some eats and to pick up fund raising supplies and of course TEAM TEAM TEAM TEAM meet and greet!

Learn about this
As you approach this endurance program you must focus on that task at hand. You must understand that the marathon is not a destination it is a journey. A journey that has to start timely, follow clear direction and proceed toward the destination. Beware of the terrible TOOs.  
  • Too Much
  • Too Soon
  • Too Fast

Review This
We are ready to lead you in your Run, or you RUN/Walk or your Walk training. Go here and submit your "Coaches Need To Know Info"  do it!

Mission First
As we start moving and our blood starts pumping and our breathing begins to bring in oxygen for energy. As that happens remember the patients. Remember our work is hard, our training is hard, but it isn't chemotherapy. When someone says to you. "A marathon are you crazy? Isn't that hard?" you can reply, "yes it is hard but at least its not chemotherapy, the hard work is worth it, one day there won't be a need for chemotherapy"

Weekly Objective
Our training plan is based upon an Overload/Recovery principle. It can be said it is an interval of Hard/Easy. One day we work Hard(overload) our body, then we go Easy(recovery). So for this week, simply move. Go outside and move for about an one hour one day, then the next for about 1/2 hour. That will follow our Overload/Recovery principle.   Detail schedules are coming to you at Kickoff! Find the basic Training Mileage schedule here
Time to reflect
John "the Penguin" Bingham is a columnist for Competitor magazine and a big friend to TNT; he says
  • "As an athlete, when you least expect it, you may find yourself standing on the threshold of an accomplishment so monumental that it strikes fear into your soul. You must stand ready, at any moment, to face the unknown. You must be ready to walk boldly thru the wall of uncertainty."

GO Team!

Coach Barry and Michele

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