
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Heading out for a short run. Need to "get 'er done" before it heats up any more. I have a feeling the humidity is going to be high today, so rather unpleasant.

George is almost done with the playset for the kids, then we'll need to focus on getting that new vehicle for me to drive. Good and bad feelings on this. On one hand, it's always nice having a new vehicle - on the other hand - I hate dealing with car dealerships. The sales tactics or their lack of interest when a woman comes to the lots alone, drive me crazy.

Well, gotta go. My goal 3.5 miles today. Sad thing is it will probably take me as long to do that as it would take one of the Olympic women to do a half marathon. Hahaha. Oh well - no gold for me today!

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