
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tick Tock, Tick Tock . . .

Tick Tock, Tick Tock - time's running out to help me in my race for a cure! Donations need to be received by April 10th! Please, please, please help me make a difference in the world TODAY. Together with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, we can help further research efforts and improve patient and family services. Please visit my website at:
In addition, there are lots of great events coming up with Team In Training for the Fall! Disneyland, Nike San Fran, Dublin, Savannah Rock N Roll. If you want more information let me know.

Or, if you'd like to show your support for Team In Training and what we do for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, please visit my website and make a donation to continue funding research and patient services at:
 Make a change in the world today!! 
I'm off to do my training now. Today's schedule calls for doing 4 mile repeats. That's a mile at tempo pace, then recovery jog for 3 minutes, then repeat. Hoping this is making me faster and stronger. I want to beat 2:40:00 for the Nike Women's event in April. I know that seems terribly slow for a majority of you, but I'm not racing against everyone else - I'm racing against myself and that's my best time yet. So, I'm hoping for 2:30:00. We'll see.


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