
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Space Coast 1/2 Marathon - Check!

Well, completed the Space Cost 1/2 Marathon today! It was a great day. I'm a little sore, which I guess I expected since I haven't been on a real training schedule. Overall, it was a beautiful day. It was warmer than I would have liked, but it was still not bad weather.

Now onto training for the ING Half Maraton in Miami. Now that I'm not working at Target and classes will be over soon, I can concentrate on my training again.

Have a great day!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I Survived Black Friday!

Well, I survived Black Friday. My BFF and I went out shopping at 6:30 AM. The crowds weren't that bad actually. But neither one of us was impressed by the sales and we were not pleased with the treatment we received from the salespeople at Macy's and Beall's. And our waitress at Cracker Barrel must have forgot about us and I had to send my eggs back because they were cold. It was actually rather a depressing day of shopping. But Leisha and I managed to have a few laughs and it's always good to hang out with your girlfriends. I got home around 1 pm and then had to immediately get ready for work.

Yes, I had to work 2 pm to 11 pm at Target. Thank goodness that was my last day. I have decided that standing on my feet for 9 hours on nights and weekends and earning minimum wage is not my type of job. I don't know how some people manage to survive on the pay they receive at some of these places. Don't get me wrong, Target is a great place to work. The people are great and they care about their employees. But if I was the primary bread winner for our family, we would not be able to live on that kind of money. It once again reminds me to be thankful and content with what we have as we are very fortunate to have a roof over our heads, meals on the table and clothes on our backs, not to mention all the extras we have.

Well, tomorrow is another challenge. The Space Coast Half Marathon! After that, I am really going to have to buckle down and get serious on my fundraising if I'm going to make it to Vancouver. Don't forget you can help me in my battle to end blood cancer by making a donation. Just click on the TNT link at right or visit my website at:

Thanks for listening to my ramblings on today! Have a wonderful weekend. It's absolutely gorgeous weather in Florida today! Another thing I am thankful for. I'll let you know how I do in the Space Coast once I get home.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving is almost here!

I love Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday.

I'm starting mine off with a traditional 'Lil Gobbler Run I started last year. My family and friends gather at my house at 7 am and we head out for a short run - about 5K. We finish at my house and toast the day with Mimosas and light snacks. It's the perfect start to the day.

In the afternoon, we'll head over to my BFF's home for dessert, a game of Scrabble, and then Leisha and I will plan our attack for Black Friday!

I can't wait! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Gobble, Gobble, . . .

Monday, November 21, 2011

Doctor, Doctor - Help

Okay, so it's Monday, almost a week after having my first round of shots and my knee is still hurting. Not good - I have a race on Sunday and haven't been able to do any running for over a week now. Ugh!! Why me???

Well, guess I'll give the doctor another call. Hmmm, will post outcome.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Still down!

Well, I'm still down but my knee is feeling much better. I think I can try a short run this weekend - yeah! It'll be slow and easy, but at least I'll be back on the road. Space Coast 1/2 marathon is next weekend, so need to get off the couch and get some exercise.

Tonight is the talent show at my daughter's school. That should be a lot of fun. Two other moms and I are the back up singers for our girls.

Don't forget to donate what you can to the cause. Click on the TNT link on the the right. Thanks.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Down for a couple of days

Well, I started some therapy on my knee today. Got a bunch of shots to help heal ligaments and tendons. Hopefully it will only keep me down a couple of days. Space Coast Half is Sunday following Thanksgiving and I need to get a little more road time in before then.

Fingers crossed that all goes as planned.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day to Rest

Another fabulous day in Florida. Beautiful weather. Have the windows open and gentle cool breeze. Awesome. Nice relaxing day, scrubbed floors, laundry, swept out the garage and then sat down and played some with Wii with my boys. Now my hubby's getting ready to grill us some steaks for dinner. Perfect ending to the day.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Today is why I love Florida. Sunny, breezy and 60! Awesome day to run the 520 Causway. Although I'm still trying to get over a cold, it was a great run. I can't complain. The view was great. I mean I'm guessing there aren't too many places you can run while watching dolphins play and windsurfers.

So, my training focus right now is to be ready for the Space Coast Half Marathon Thanksgiving weekend. Then I'll start focusing on getting ready for the Miami ING.

My run for TNT is in May in Vancouver!! Woo Hoo!! I have a fantastic team and we are all running with a mission - to find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.