
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Today - Day of Rest, well sort of . . .

Yesterday - training with the team. Six miles down, Whew! But it was a great morning. Afterwards, Leisha, Erin, me and the coaches went for a yummy breakfast. The rest of the day just rolled by with the usual weekend chores. Managed to get a good night's sleep too - thank you Ambien.

Ahhh, Today. I love Sundays. They are usually my day of rest for the week. My day to be lazy and do whatever I want. Today, I did do a little cleaning of the house - it sure needed it - and now, time to get creative. Think I'll make some cards. Need to start stocking up for the October Craft Fair and Gift Wrapping Stations we'll be hosting in December. Also have a Croptoberfest I need to get cracking on gathering donations for.

Enjoy your day!

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