"What's this?" was the question of the day. My son and I went geocaching around town again, while my daughter was in camp. We'd be looking around for a cache and he'd say "what's this?" Some people are very creative with their containers and their hiding spots. Anyway, it was a great day spent with my son and the weather was actually pretty nice instead of being horribly hot.
Now, it's time to get a little business taken care of. I received my first donation by mail yesterday in response to the letters I sent out! Hopefully, the donations will start coming in quickly. I'd love to have my fundraising done and out of the way so I can be of more help to my mentees than worrying about my own.
So, on that lead in, Please, Please, PLEASE!!! - make a donation today. You can use the Team In Training icon on the right to reach my website, or copy and paste my website's address into your browser: http://pages.teamintraining.org/ncfl/wdw13/RunDisney
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is such a worthwhile organization and very deserving of everyone's attention and support. If you have any questions about how your donation will be used, please go to http://www.lls.org/
Thanks everyone. Keep on reading!
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