
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What a week!

I know it's been a few days since I posted.Sorry about that, it's just been a really crazy few days. First, my son was involved in a 5 car collision. He's fine - thankfully, but his car may be totaled. That brings us to the next interesting twist. The girl who hit his car isn't taking responsibility and is blaming it on the drivers in back of her, even though she was responsible for starting the chain reaction. So, we're having to go through our own insurance. Great! $1000 deductible - WooHoo! (note sarcasm). However, my biggest fear is that they're going to try and total the car. Since it's paid for and it's a Kia, the payout probably won't be enough to buy a suitable replacement, which, ugh - means more money to be spent when it wasn't even his fault. Oh well, it is what it is and we'll just have to see how things turn out.

Saturday my younger son had his Lego Tournament. They finished around the middle of the pack which was okay since it seemed to me a lot of the teams were made up of older kids.

Sunday, was peaceful and we didn't do a whole lot more than the grocery shopping.

Monday, well, more car drama. Had to go over to Orlando and help Jake pick up his rental. Still waiting for decision on his car.

Tuesday - today Sam's solar system project is do so he'll need to do his presentation. Turned out pretty nice. Although Katie says she wants me to help her with her solar system project next year because she knows I'll help make it "SPARKLY".  I can do that - no problem - love the glitter.

So, looks like a couple more of my donations have made it onto my site. I still have a long way to go. Be sure to help me reach my goal before February by clicking on the Donate now link at right or click to get you there.

Gotta go, heading out for a short run, then doctor appointment and volunteering at school. Thanks everyone. Have a terrific day!

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