
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Training is well underway!

I gotta say, training for two different events in the same season is tough! Saturday I met up with my TNT mates for our Space Coast Training 4 mile run. Then started out for a bike ride - but only felt up to doing 7 miles.

Sunday, 50 miles on the bike doing repeats along River Road! Woo Hoo!! I can't believe I did it and how long it took, but the point is I did it!! 

Monday, 20 miles on the bike, rested on Tuesday - mainly because I had too much work to do and then today I did my 3 mile run. 

Keeping up with the mileage per the Training Peaks schedule is just too much for me, so I'm just doing the best that I can. 

Well, gotta get my bike in for some clean up and have the gear changing clicker looked at because it's sticking, then off to the grocery store, library and then back to work. I guess somewhere along the way I need to do laundry, get the kids out shopping for school clothes and shoes this week and clean the house. I need another me!

Have a great day!

Don't forget to make a donation and sponsor me in my Seagull Century Ride. I'm raising money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with Team In Training! Click on link below:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Seagull Century Ride - Here I Come!

So a new chapter begins. I needed a new challenge and so I've set my sights on earning the Triple Crown with Team In Training. Since I need to complete 3 types of events, and I have already done the marathon and half marathons, I have decided to try the Seagull Century Ride. That's right - 100 miles around Salisbury, Maryland. I've started training and hopefully it won't kill me. 

Everyone has told me that the course is "flat as a pancake", but I have learned that people's perception of what constitutes flat or a hill are relative to where they train. So, I'm hoping that the elevation and hills won't be an issue. Most of the roads here in Florida are truly "flat as a pancake". Not sure how this Assateague course will measure up.

If you have insights for me, let me know. Speed bumps to some are hills to me - LOL.

Anyway, I will keep you posted. Since I am doing this as part of Team In Training, any donations to my campaign would be greatly appreciated. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is doing amazing things these days. One of my heroes is Sara. She is 4 years old and just finished her last chemo treatment last week. I can't express the joy, happiness and hope I am filled with when I see her smiling face. Her mom is one of my teammates for the Space Coast Half Marathon and one of the loveliest people I have ever met. In fact she's the one on the far right of the Team In Training Ad for Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend.

Oh that's right - I didn't mention that yet, but I'm doing a double header this season. Seagull in October and Space Coast in November.  Anyway, if you'd like to make a contribution to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, please visit my website at:

Fingers crossed - I don't have flat tires, wrecks or any other catastrophes on the road. I'll let you know how things are going.